
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Brimbane Report #9

Welcome to our 9th posting of the Brimbane Report this week I want to talk about farming herbs. I hit level 75 this week and now I am able to train to be an illustrious grand master herbalist. But I know what your saying your only 75 why and how are you going to get all those cataclysm herbs. The secret is this I'm a druid. The ability to gather herbs without leaving flight form is the greatest advantage you have as a druid farmer. The other key to this is that at level 75 I have not phased any of the new areas and can grab most of the herbs with ease. I would suggest to anyone that has not began questing in the new areas to farm them before you do. Just be prepared to die if your not careful enemies in these zones hit hard. Now on my server the prices have really dropped for these herbs as the frenzy of the new expansion is ending but they can still turn a nice profit. I am currently holding some back waiting for the number of people farming to decrease so that I better control the market. I have a feeling when patch 4.1 goes live prices will spike again and I am looking forward to unloading my herb supply then.

What do you thing? Will Patch 4.1 cause a spike in Auction House prices?

Brimbane Out

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